Friday, September 7, 2012

A Must Read! Marriages & Relationships Success By Sam Oye

Gratitude guarantees future
performances in any marriage or
relationship. If you are thankful
for small things in your
relationship or marriage, you will
attract big ones. If you recognize
little efforts made by your
spouse or potential spouse, you
will see great results. Great
relationships and successful
marriages are powered by a
continuous flow of Gratitude.
When individuals in a marriage
or relationship decides to
continuously focus on
appreciating one another’s
efforts, results and good works,
gratitude becomes a lifestyle.
Wrong perspective and
perception can negatively affect
your sense of gratitude. If you
learn to see the cup as half full, it
will someday become full. But, if
you always see the cup as half
empty, it will one day become
Beware of Ingratitude! It
destroys the foundation for any
healthy relationship and
destroys the bonds in most
marriages. It is powered by
comparison, insensitivity, envy,
and disregard for your partner’s
sacrifices. It also creates the
atmosphere for complaining,
murmuring, frustration and
discontent. Ingratitude if
unchecked can trigger break ups
and divorces.
I pray for you that, God will
increase your capacity to express
gratitude. As you begin to
appreciate the little things that
people do for you, with you or to
you, you will begin to attract
extraordinary things. You will not
fail, you will fulfill your destiny!
Sam Oye is the Founder/Senior
Harvesthouse Int'l
Church, Gwarimpa, Abuja

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