Saturday, June 23, 2012

International Widows’ Day

International Widows’ Day

Today, June 23, is the International Widows’ Day; a day set aside two years ago by the United Nations General Assembly. The declaration calls on member-states and other international organisations to end all negative practices associated with widowhood.

Widows go through harmful practices n Nigeria: include having their heads shaven, “usually with a rigid sharp object such as a broken bottle; being forced to sleep with their dead husbands’ corpses; being forced to
cry loudly for the entire village to hear; and drinking the water that was used to clean their husbands’ dead bodies.”
Stop that Sexual abuse to Widows[female], stop that evil practice and certain punitive mourning rites against those women that have lost their beloved husbands, Stop blaming that woman for her husband’s death.

Please locate that Widow-Widower next to you and show them some love [appreciation] with gift and support.

...To all our Lovely Widows & Widowers we love you all....May God strengthen and keep you, Amen!

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